Wednesday, October 31, 2007

hApPY hAlLoWeEN!!!!'s Halloween!!! I have to admit that this is one of my favorite Holidays--but Christmas is the ULTIMATE. I really love Fall....the weather is not to hot, not to cold...perfect for a Hoodie :) <---(I wear a hoodie in the summer sometimes...I'm crazy). Then the colors--Oh so nice! Red, Orange, Yellow leaves--just beautiful.

I really like scary movies too! I like being scared I guess...not in real life situations, but you know-- I'd have to say the one movie that scared me the worst for some odd reason was the "Ring." It was my Freshman year down in Cedar City, SUU, and I went with a bunch of people. I got so freaked out by the dumb girl in the movie, that I couldn't really go to sleep or look at a TV without thinking a little girl was going to crawl out and get me!!! I was living with Dez and Geoff, and they thought I was just being weird, but then Geoff went and watched it and he admitted it was kind of FREAKY-ISH.

Kris's mom said when he was little Halloween was his favorite, and he said when he got married--imagine an eight year old boy saying this, that the wedding colors would be ORANGE AND BLACK!!! hahahha...Didn't work out that way, but funny! Kris brought it up when we were getting the wedding ready. It is a funny story I think.

So I have to work all day today, tomorrow, ETC...but I'm excited for kids to come to the Motel and give them candy. It was fun doing this when I was little. Always had the best costumes. I can't wait to dress Declan up next year. By this time next year he'll be almost a year old. Crazy...but dressing him up will be fun!!!

Kris is going to go with all his buddies and go see "SAW 4." Such weird-demented-sick movies...yucky-yucky. Very creepy. Yes, and Rated "R"...yes I've seen all three <--hahhaa!! Don't know why...but it's that time of the year I guess. My rebel-ness coming out.

Anyways...I am having my "Baby Shower" on November 10th--next weekend. Pretty exciting to get to that point. It's almost here, and I'm getting excited and do not know what to think--kind of nervous for knowing when I'm actually in Labor, but I'm sure things will work out and be fine. I'll post after the BAby ShowER!! My mom is putting it together. I am excited :) HAVE A GOOD ONE!!!!!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My PaRenTS

...I have been thinking a lot, and I just want to write a little something-something on how I feel about my amazing parents.
...Mom and dad, I really appreciate all that you have done and STILL do for me. I know I am who I am because of both of you. I have the love, tenderness, and compassion that comes from both of you that is very hard to find and see in people as often as you two.
...Mom and dad, you give and give and do not ask for anything in return. I am about to be a parent myself, scary I know, and I am just hoping and praying that I will be half the parents you, mom and dad, are to me. I have learned so much from you faith wise, knowledge wise, artistic wise, sports wise, music wise and I am so thankful that I have both of you in my life being the examples that you have always been to me.
...I am grateful that you put up with my little onry/hard headed-ness that I HAD(no longer have..."a-thank you")Not to mention, sorry about that....
--I bet every single one of you are saying "yeah right, HAD" hee-hee!! ;) You are welcome for the little giggle...
... I wish I could take all the pain and hurt away that you are going through right now. I truely would if I could. I know all things shall pass. Things that have gone on are HORRIBLE to go through, but you BOTH are very strong and deserve the best and will receive the best...and not to mention, you have a very mean-fiesty daughter to back you up ;)!!! -(that would be me not Kylee...maybe Dez though...Chase, well...)-
...I love you MOM AND DAD, more than you will ever know. Thank you for every single thing. I know you both worked so hard for all of us kids to have the good life that we had growing up. I admire you both for being who you are, and always being true to yourselves. LOVE YOU BOTH!