Tuesday, August 26, 2008

MuLLinS FaMilY ReUniOn

So this is the Mullins Family. A lot are missing, Mullins's is a big family...but it was still a good turn out. We held it in Evanston Wyoming to meet half way :]
Mr. Goober attacking the camera...(he's stinkin' cute if you ask me). This was the first time seeing Declan for a lot of them. Declan seemed to enjoy himself. Did not take a nap that whole day until we started to go home. There was too much going on...
Us playing Crochet... <---or however you spell this. I won, of coarse. Did not have to tell you that now did I? Haahahah...Okay I got second, but Jon, Rachel's husband, cheated (kiddin' Jon...everyone cheated...except me :p )Family sitting around at the park after eating. Goober's in Grandpa Mullins's armsFour Generations of Mullins Boys...Kris, Great Grandpa Mullins, Declan, and Grandpa Mullins...

Kris and "Mini Kris"...Kris is always smiling really cheesey or his eyes are closed so...but still CUTE!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey- those are some good pictures. I wonder who they photographer was? Ha ha. Just kidding. Sorry the four generation one was so dark. I thought that was just the light on my camera screen. We'll have to take another one.

Megan and Travis said...

You blog is so cute!! How do I make mine as cute as yours? Hehe :)