Friday, February 19, 2010

...I wonder????

So... I lied about the next post would probably be me posting what Goober #2 is...but there's something I wanted to share.
We all hate waiting to know what the little one is...right?? Or unless you are one of those strong/patient people who can wait til' Delivery Day. That's not me at all...
I have heard about this test. You can test as early as 10 weeks. I know... wow. I have watched Video's (on YouTube; the DOCTOR SHOW segment one) about this and read about this product. There is a good thing about this, if it is as accurate as it says, and there is a bad side to this. Doctor's think that some may take this test really hoping for a certain gender, and if it's the opposite they might 'abort' the pregnancy; which is REALLY unbelievable (to put it nicely) THAT people would do this. Doctor's are also afraid, that if this is as accurate as it states, that in some countries they are really picky about genders and will use this in a negative way, again...ABORTION.
I'm not one of those people AT ALL. I am one who does not care what it is. I just would like to know. I am pretty tempted to take this test before the Ultra Sound to see how accurate it is... I found out that they sell it at WALGREEN's in Rock Springs for $29.99 + Tax. It's not the most expensive thing on earth, but I know I could put that money to better use...
What do you think about this PRODUCT??? Should I take it?? Or just wait???


Us Egberts said...

Oh my heck we are impatience aren't diapers with the 30+ and just enjoy the little bit of anticipation...whats the fun???? Hang in there and enjoy the ride!

Brooke Carroll said...

I have never heard of it before! Sounds like something I totally would be tempted to do ;) Haha...I am SO impatient, so I probably would have thought about it too! But yes, either way it's a wonderful surprise :D I think you should try it (if you want to!) and then see if it matches your ultrasound! That would be fun, but it's totally up to you!

KymandKalab said...

That is HORRIBLE that people are using it to decide whether to abort a baby or not. Makes me sad. Ugh. I did think about whether you should take it or not just out of curiousity. It really isn't that expensive, but I thought about my ultrasound and I really liked finding out then. I was pretty darn impatient too because I just wanted to know either way, but I think it will be more fun when you get to SEE on the screen. Just my opinion. I wouldn't judge you if you did take the test though. :) But just think- only 3 more weeks and it will be here before you know it!

Christian, Kerri, & The Boys said...

mmmm never heard of that before! CRAZY! Sad that people would use it for an abortion since every baby is different! I would do it and then see if it was accurate when you go and get the ultra sound see if it really works!
Question...what do you do? Pee on a stick?
Good Luck, Kerri

Doug and Marilyn said...

Oh girl, just wait! It will be so special to have your ultrasound. I think you're having a girl. Can't wait to find out!

Mama Bear said...

I have had 7 friends try it and only 1 was correct so I'd say save your money and spend it on something fun for baby once you find out the gender. With the inaccuracy that I've seen I think it is a load of crock! As for old wives tales, they've been right for me. The Chinese gender predictor chart and the ring over your wrist both got both kids right (and they were both free).