Saturday, April 14, 2007

GUess WhAT!?


Long time no writty. We've been kind of busy the last few weeks. Kris is still working as a Land Surveyor for D. R. Griffin in RockSprings. He works quite a bit of hours, and comes back kind of stinky, but it's well worth it :)

Me? Well, I am doing the same ol' Motel business thing; Manager/Boss :) I work long hours too, but I don't come back stinky like we even out each other quite a bit. I actually have quite a bit of help in housekeeping right now (knock on wood that nobody quites or anything)....BUT, I'm lacking help in the office right now. I only have one working for me. He works quite a bit for me, but says he needs the hours. I just feel like I work him too much, but then if something happens and he can't come in or needs a day off...I have to work :( So here soon I'm going to start training two new girlies. They seem like they will work out great.

I've been working quite a bit this month. This is so I can go to TEXAS at the end of this month/beginning of May. I am excited! I can honestly say I have never dreamed or said to myself, "I want to go to Texas." But, it's something to do I guess and it'll be fun. Another plane ride for me...OH!! and Sea World of corse!!! :)

Anything else....well, you might be wondering why I have a picture of a blue eyed baby on the page??? Well, I'M PREGNANT!!!! :) I honestly never thought in a million years that it would happen for me this soon. Not that this is a bad thing, because it's not at all...I'm really excited and truly blessed. I just thought it would take awhile like it does for the rest of my family.

I notice I was getting waves of the "icky/ I wanna throw-up" feeling here and there. Whenever I would work out and do sit-ups I felt like my stomache would burn way quicker...but definately in a different way like I was pulling on something., dad, and Kylee came in on April 6th to watch the movie "Blades of Glory," in the movie theatre in Rocksprings. They hurried and dropped off a puppy to me to give to one of my employees that wanted one...and went to the movie and was going to meet up with us after that because Kris and I have already seen it.

While they were gone...(I didn't plan this at all, it was totally out of the blue), Kris and I went to Smith's to buy a pregnancy test. Ironically Smith's didn't have any left!! So we went next door to PAMIDA really quick and...ironically again, there was actually only one test left (E.P.T.) and only came with one test in it!!! I looked at Kris and I said, "Is this a sign or something?" :) ha

So, right when I got home I followed the instructions, and put a timer on my microwave...I waited two whole minutes for it to go off...and then I ran into the bathroom. I looked at it, and I forgot what positive meant?? So, I looked at it again just thinking and my eyes just got really big and I couldn't stop smiling!! It was positive. Then I went out and looked at Kris and told him to come here and read it for me. He looked at me and said, "what???"

After he looked at it he went and got the instructions and said, "See only 99% accurate. You are one of the 1%" It was funny, then he hugged me and we smooched ;) *blush* So, I went to the doctors office on April 11th and did the cup thing. I was kind of nervous and really hoped I was pregnant because that would've been kind of sucky to get a false/positive....and get my hopes all up for nothing. They took it and not even five seconds later the nurse came out and said, "okay, it's positive." I was the only one back there at the time, and I said, "are you sure that's my pee?" She looked at me and I just started giggling and I said, "No. I'm kidding...."

That's my news!! I'm not sure when it is due yet or how far along I am. I have to figure out what day and have my mother in law come in or sister in law to cover the office for a sec. :) Since it's not fun calling the baby "it" we named it Hopper. Like Grasshopper. That's what Kris and his mom came up with. His nick-name was Krishopper when he was yeah. Kris says it's a boy, and I say it's a girl. Not that it matters, but...who knows, it's fun!! :)

--Kenzee Jo

1 comment:

Dezaree said...

you're going to be a mom.....weird