Wednesday, December 26, 2007

WoNdERfuL liFE

I know, I know...finally I am doing an update on what's been going on. Well, as you can see our little one came home!!!!!
Declan finally came home on November 26th. It was such a good day, and one that we were very happy to finally come. I went into the room that Declan was in and not even five minutes later his doctor came in and said, "I hear you want to take him home?" I smiled and said, "Well ya, I sure do." He then said, "Well, lets get him home today!!!" :) YAHOO!!! So, I then went and got Kris and we did all the signing and paper work that we needed to do before we could take him home.
It was so nice to see them take all the wires and gadgets that he had on him off. He looked like a normal baby now. It was so fun to put on his very first outfit from home...again, especially without have to be careful with the wires. I think he knew something different was going on. He just stared at us like, "What are you doing?"

We then headed straight home. We stopped in Evanston to give Declan a break from the car seat and also to see my Grandpa Saxton before he goes south for the winter. This is his first Great-grandchild. So, he was really excited to finally have one and get to see him. He was really funny. All smiles and kept on saying, "What a handsome guy." I tried to get him to hold him, but he didn't want to, (aka: afraid too). But, then we left shortly and headed on to Green River, HIS HOME!!!

Declan is an unbelievably good baby. He never really cries. When, if he does, it is only for a slight bit. He only cries when he has a dirty diaper, or when he is hungry; and his cries are not that loud or...just a good baby. He sleeps really well and eats really well. He was on a schedule when he first got here, but I kind of broke him of that a little--with working a job at the same time. He used to wake up every three hours, but now it is four to five; which I am giving him more milk in the bottle--which makes him happy and satisfied so far. Declan's been breathing really well, and doesn't show any sign of struggle like he used to. I am very grateful for that. I love holding him on my chest and just cuddle-ing with him. Holding him relaxes me.

Declan is really starting to mature. He looks around and stays focused for quite a while. He smiles and just moves his arms and legs a lot. Two of my favorite things that he does is he all of a sudden smiles and giggles when he's sleeping. Not kidding either. He gets a really big smile on his face and chuckles for a few seconds. It is so cute. Another thing, is when he sleeps, sometimes he "moans." It is so funny because Kris does it in his sleep and, I will admit it, I make weird noises to...people say :) Things have been going really well...
We haven't been able to take him out anywhere really; which is fine because we do not want to risk getting him sick or anything like that. The doctor said that if he gets a fever he could need to be life-flighted we definitely don't want that. The doctor let him go out to Manila for my families "Christmas" though. That's them above--Mom, Declan, Dad, Ender(yorkie dog), Geoff, Valentine(yorkie dog). Dezaree, Kris, Me, Chase, Kylee. We had that on the 15th of December. It was really fun and nice to have everyone home...and to have everyone get a chance to be with Declan. We took a lot of pictures of Declan, you can see most of Christmas and his Blessing Day if you click on "My pictures" here on the sight.

Declan was blessed the very next day, the 16th, at the First Ward LDS building here in Green River. I was so excited for this day...and it is silly, but I imagined this day for quite awhile since we have been married--Kris blessing our child. I imagined this even when I was not pregnant. I know, I'm silly. It was really neat though. I started tearing up when I put Declan in his suit. He was so cute and it fit him perfectly. The suit he was wearing was the one Kris wore as well, so it has quit a sentimental value :) Isn't he handsome?? :) (he has a little smirk going on)

Kris blessed Declan, and there were quite a bit of family in the circle. There was Larry Mullins(Kris's dad), Kalab and Sam Mullins (Kris's brothers), Jon Spikes (Kris's sister's future husband), Chase Ellsworth (my brother), Geoff Chesnut (my brother-in-law), Gale Lamb (Kris's Uncle), and Robert and Tyson Ellsworth (my Uncle and his son). I surprisingly teared up a little bit, and did not cry much. I held it in though :) Kris did excellent with his words and the spirit was really strong. The circle was bigger than expected, but it was so nice to have just family in the circle. We left amediately after we took the sacrament, because we are not technically supposed to have him out yet, and to get ready for the dinner that I had for all of the family.Everyone came over and ate and visited. It was really nice--and the food was yummy :)

Dez and Geoff came out from Phoenix, and left the next day to head back. It was nice to see them. Since they've been down there we get to hardily see them. The last time I saw them was in May for Kylee's Graduation. So...thankfully Geoff is Graduating this May from ASU from Law School, and will be moved back somewhere in Utah--probably Cedar City. It was really nice to see them and have them see little Declan. They didn't get to see me have a pregnant belly at all. This is Dez and Geoff with Declan...

Yesterday was the real Christmas Day, and this time we spent it at Kris's parents house. It was really nice. I got to close the office from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Yeah, I worked on Christmas...somewhat. This job is great, because I have Declan here and it is my home, pays for bills, but at the same time--very hard and I never am really off, even if I get some time "off" and keeping employees is hard as well...I think that's the hardest thing about it here.

Anyways, I'll get off of my complaining box...back to Christmas Day. We opened presents and then ate homemade cinnamon rolls. Relaxed for awhile and then ate Christmas dinner--good -good-good! It was fun and relaxing. Also played Lord of the Rings DVD Trivial Pursuit...and I WON!!! I am just that good...

Kris and I set a limit for buying each other presents. Well, Kris went over his limit with me. He bought me a new kitchen table set, a new chandelier light for the kitchen, a sofa table--cast iron and wood that came with two lamps...earrings, movies, camera memory card, a new cell phone...he did really good :) I was quite surprised. He said he didn't go over the limit, but he did. I got him a few things--I'll admit I did go over the limit by twenty dollars, but that's just because of shipping and handling cost. I bought every single person that got a present from me, got it on the Internet because I haven't been able to go anywhere since the little ones been home :) I would've shopped before, but I was a bit occupied in November.

Declan got a lot of presents as well. He got books, music for his crib, clothes, a huge giraffe, and my sister Dez painted this picture for his wall in his bedroom with Africa animals...very cute. She's very talented. It was fun to get things for him...even if he'll never remember. I think he slept through both at my parents and at Kris's parents house. Hahah!!!

Well, my precious baby is home, and it has been so fun...and I am sure it gets funner and funner. I am very grateful for him and my husband. It was so wonderful to have him be blessed and given a name. Kris is such a wonderful husband and father. Declan reacts to his voice so much. He can just say "Hi" and Declan will turn his head to where ever it is coming from and just "wide-eyed." It is really fun seeing Kris talk to him and hold him as well.

I am thankful for the priesthood. I know the priesthood truly helped him when he was first born...and helped him be strong and stay here with us here on earth. I know that his blessing was truly heart-felt and Kris's words were inspired by the spirit. He is such a blessed, strong little one. I am excited to see him grow up. It is just crazy how much he changes everyday...what a wonderful life.

--Love you all...Kenzee Jo


Dezaree said...

It was so wonderful to be home with you guys. You are very very lucky to have such a handsome little boy. He's perfect! Thanks for everything, and being such a great sister. I love ya!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics! You two made a very cute little boy. I'm so grateful to be his aunt! Love you guys!