Monday, March 31, 2008

eAsTeR TiMe

Here's my little bugg on the right...Isn't he cute?!!!! I LOVE this picture I think he looks a lot like me there when I was little, but he is such a cutie. I love being a mom...Anyways, I'll get off my soap box....

Dez and Geoff came out for Spring Break. They came the week before Easter. It was really fun. We went to one of my dear friends Wedding Receptions out in Bountiful Utah--Sarah; which I wished I would've gotten a picture of her and myself. (Her dress was amazing) Dez, Geoff, Chase, Kris, Declan, and myself all went in my car that weekend. Poor Chase had to sit in the back like a dog there and back...with no seat belt, but it was still a fun trip I thought. My college friends were all there that I hardily ever get to see. It was fun seeing how much everyone has changed and what is new with everyone's lifes. I have a friend, Holly, who is pregnant. She looks very pretty and only has til' May before she has a little boy of her own. I am very excited for her. Beezer (Belinda is her actual name), is just hilarious and goofy and I miss her crazy-ness. It was nice to be with my family. The next day the Ellsworth's Clan came in to Green River and we all went to dinner and watched "Horton Hears a Who." I liked it a lot. Those kind of animation movies are my favorite to watch. Dez and Geoff went back to Arizona for the last two months. Geoff is graduating Law School in May...and will move back to Utah. Pretty exciting stuff

Then Easter weekend came. That Saturday, The Mulllins's Clan went out to the shooting rang to have a picnic out in Fire Hole and to shoot their bows. Well, where we usually go had quite a bit of snow and mud and, go figure, some wind. So, we decided to go somewhere else. Kris's dad pointed out a dry dirt road down the road, so that is where we headed. They built a fire on a side of a hill to block the wind(mostly thinking of the baby Mr. Goober), and that's where we roasted hot dogs, marshmellows...etc. It was Declan's first official Picnic!! ;] He sat in the car seat most of the time though. It was still kind of chilly, but it was really fun even if it was cold.

Declan is really getting quite playful and funny He is starting to talk (baby talk) quite a bit. He giggles, grabs your face. He talks to himself sometimes until he falls asleep...I love it. Trys to talk to get my attention and I swear sometimes he says "Mom...?"<--Kind of like "Where are you?" It really is the best thing ever to have a child. It is crazy how much he changes with weight, length, motor skills, and especially personality. He really has discovered his hands and is quite fond of sucking on them and shoving them in his mouth--trying to suck on both at the same time is really funny. He gets kind of frustrated that he can not fit both in his mouth :]

Declan is also entertained by the TV most of the time because of all the colors and movement. Pretty funny. We have taken him to quite a bit of movies to he movie theatre and he seems to like it a lot...because that screen is even bigger than ours!! He is also trying to sit up on his own; just a really strong baby and is getting stronger and stronger everyday.

:p --LAteR!!!


Dezaree said...

Awe...can't wait to be closer to you guys so we can see Mr. Goober grow up. I am so excited for that. :)

Dezaree said...

um....i believe i tagged you!!! get to work!!