Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CHRISTAMS *belated...a tad bit*

Merry Christmas...
We had a fantastic Christmas week with our families. Christmas Eve my parents came in to give us our Christmas Eve gifts, PJ's...and eat some Pizza and watch a movie. It was really nice and that made it feel more like Christmas. I just couldn't really quite "feel" it this year. Not sure why, but it went too fast...

We woke up Declan about 6:45...which he doesn't wake up until 9 or 10-ish. Lucky me, I know :] But we took Goober straight to the tree, at our apartment, and I'm sure he was wondering why we were waking him up and putting him in front of all these TOYS ?? and he can now touch the presents under the tree that he has been told "NO...don't touch" for so long... ?? hahha--it was great to see him smile and just get into destroying the wrapping paper.
We then went to Kris's parents a little after 7. We waited for Kalab and Kym...and then started opening our presents from each other. I got a lot, Kris, Declan too.
I was just really excited for this day to get see what Declan would do. He had fun. Doesn't know what's going on quite yet...but he'll get there sooner than I want. We also took my fantastic Cocoa maker. It's a Hot chocolate maker...kind of like a coffee maker--but Hot chocolate. You put milk or water in it and then Chocolate mix and it spins it really fast for like 10 minutes and heats it up at the same time. TALK ABOUT CHOCOLATE HEAVEN :]
We had a wonderful, delicious, yummy Christmas dinner around 4...Ate too much of coarse. Later on that day my mom called me all huffy and breathing really weird. It's the breathing that you can just tell that's something is REALLY wrong. She said that my dad has been at a house that has been on fire, putting it out... and went to go check on my grandpa Ellsworth, my dad's-dad... He found him unconscious in the snow face down. He was rushed to the hospital. Later on I found out that he was okay. Got a little frost bit on his feet and other little spots. I guess he was going to go check on the propane and was going off his porch and just fell straight down; which lead to a broken/really bloody nose. He then dragged himself across the yard, in the snow, by his vehicle. He lost his slippers in the process--no socks...and stopped there on the pavement/dirt. He did this around THREE and my dad went and found him at SEVEN. So...but he's doing well. Tough Grandpa. Getting physical therapy and just getting taken care of right now...but all is well...
The next day we went to my parents. We spent the day eating. Opened presents a little later *got tons of what I wanted!!! Camera, video camera, quilt, necklace, clothes...etc.* We played ROCK BAND 2!!! Love it!!! It's so fun. It gets everyone into it...and anyone can do it. Either the drums, singing, or two guitars. It really is a great fun family/friend game I think...
I am grateful for both sides of family. They spoil all of us tremendously. I am very lucky to have the families that I have been blessed with...they are so giving and so fun!!!
Here are plenty of pictures...of both days. Enjoy...Loves Puzzles...Maybe too much....
Grandma gave Declan a HIPPO... :]

HUNGRY HIPPO...you ride it and it scoops up blocks on the floor. I can teach him how to pick up and be clean. He'll be MONK in no time :]

Bows in my pretty boys hair :]

Kris drinkin' Hot Chocolate...that my COOL COCOA MAKER MADE!!! THANKS RAZA'S!!!

My cute little Goober...



Geoff...singing with all his might
Kylee and the DRUMS...
Goober and Grandpa

Brooke...and her Fancy Nancy...she's so funny!!
Ah...a couch to sit and rest on :]Mom and her new quilt that Brooke made her...I got one too...the one to the right...
Ellsworth's...Christmas 08'


A Country Girl and A Southern Boy said...

Fun Fun Wish I could have been there!

Dezaree said...

it was a blast. Now you have your own camera to take pictures on. So no excuses anymore!

Mullins Family said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS!! A little late :) Hey I have a tons of pictures I need to send you. From that day.

Us Egberts said...

WooHoo for updates. Looks like a funtastic holiday. Your little guy is a beautiful little boy.
I saw your grandpa at the vernal carecenter..talked to him a bit...pushed him around a little...saw your dad talked for a sec. My mom is there. Your grandma always had visitors..I didn't say hi i don't think she would really remember me I didn't know her much. laters

Mullins said...

Hey pretty sister. I am blogging !!!! I tracked your blog and now I am leaving a comment!! yes!! Cute pictures! Where did you get a hot chocolate maker? We have been looking for one for sooo long. It was wonderful seeing you this week. Your baby is so big and cute and smart. You are blessed. Miss you already. Talk to you later.

Martins said...

Hey Kenzee, its Jeanna.. I was roaming around blogger world and found your blog! I hope you don't mind if I add you to my blog? I am new to this blogging and don't actually know what I am doing yet LOL!

On another note, I hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas and New Year! By your blog it seems like you had a good time! Your blog is cute! and I am jealous.. You got to go to Africa!! I bet that was fun! Well take care and talk to you soon!

Brooke Carroll said...

Cute pictures!!!

brianabingham said...

Your little man is soo cute! I think he and Libby need to meet!