Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Monkey Fell of the Bed and Cracked his head...

So... I'm a bad mommy who was not really quick enough to save my son from falling...
I gave Declan a bath. He was really hyper and giggling... I was trying to put on his diaper, but was really wiggly and running away from me (on our bed). Well, he turned around really quick, lost his footing... and was falling towards to nightstand corner!! I wasn't quick enough to catch him, but I caught him before he hit and fell on the ground...

I grabbed him really quick. Looked at his face and blood was just pouring from his eyebrow bone. I got pretty scared and the first thing that ran through my head was, "Oh no, another hospital bill!" Dumb of me, I know. But, I ran into the bathroom... and called for Kris to come help. I was covered in blood as well as Declan. Got blood on our bed comforter, pillows...

Poor thing cried quit a bit at first, but as soon as we got the bleeding to stop and cleaned him up he was just fine. Yes, I cried too *teared up*, not a lot, but I just felt really bad!! What was scary is Kris and I were watching for concussion signs, but being that he just took a bath and it was bedtime, it was hard to tell if he was just tired or coma tired. So, no throwing up, not dizzy (had him walk)... so I let him go to bed with baby Tylenol.

He slept really good considering the huge cut. It is pretty deep, but thank goodness not deep enough for stitches. He woke up once, but that was just him looking for his binkie. He woke up happy and normal. Ate, but still pretty groggy and wondering what the heck is wrong with his face. He kept staring at himself in the mirror. So... Here's some pictures of the little Goober:

Still a happy, smiling kid... (this is him saying "Cheese")

Tough Baby...Looks like a boxer!!

Kept pointing to his eye and saying "Ouch..Ouch.."


Nate said...

I'm sorry that is sad!

elonna said...

Ouch is right. Doesn't look like fun.

Korey and Lindsey said...

ouchy it's amazing how tough they are.

KymandKalab said...

Oh no! Darn. He does look like a boxer though- future career? Ha ha. Don't feel bad about not catching him-nobody can prevent their kids from never getting hurt! And he's a tough cookie. He's still super cute with an owie though!

Dezaree said...

Oh my heck. Poor little goober. I bet you were scared. I would have been. Takes after his uncle jumping off beds onto furniture huh? But he's tough. Just look at the beginning he had. He can make it through anything. Give him a big hug and kiss for me.

Schnackenberg's said...

Tough cookie! You are right, he is a small version of a boxer.

Wardles said...

Ouch! What a tough little boy

Case said...

Poor little guy! Brock has fallen off the bed too, but luckily didn't hit anything! He looks like a super tough boy though!! And maybe he'll have a cool scar and when he's older the chics will love it!!! hahahaha

Dezaree said...

Hey FYI....Chase & Brooke have a blog now. I think... there is a link from my blog

Kelly Fam said...

oh, battle scars. He's got a good one there.

Your mom probably told you that I'm serving again.... anyway, I'm supposed to tell you "Hi" from cute James (I can't remember his last name... but he said you would remember him.. I'll give you a clue in case your still stumped or if Kylee hasn't told you.... James and .... Derrick... James. He is a cutie and way nice. Anyway,.... brought back a flood of memories for me.).

anyway, James says HI KENZEE!