Monday, November 2, 2009


Declan went as YODA :) He was a cute one at that if I do say so myself... I got his costume on the K-Mart Website for only $15 dollars. It was a perfect costume. Warm and comfy. Declan seemed to enjoy it; which is always good. His "light sabre" was given by my dad. My dad is a Sheriff and this is actually a "Traffic" guide to use at night time. It really made the costume PERFECT. THANKS DAD!!
Getting ready to head out the door :) TRICK-OR-TREAT!!

"Become a Jedi you will..." My little Master YODA!!!
Declan saw all the kids walking around outside and wondered why he was stuck in a car. So dad walked him around to a few house... HE HAD FUN!! WHAT A GOOD DAD!!!Knocking on Grandma and Papa M's Door...
See's Grandma coming to the door... :)
From Behind!!! hahahha... HILARIOUS!!
Checking out his candy stash... most of his candy came from Kym and Kalab "Bob"... kept taking candy out of the bowl and putting it in his basket... hahaha...
Got a Halloween card from Grandma, Grandpa and Becky... it's the HAMSTER DANCE SONG... He loves it!

Here are also some pictures of the Pumpkin' carving and my home Decor :) Enjoy...hope you had a HAPPY HALLOWEEN. We had FUN!!
My living/family at the MOTEL

SLC Temple...Ghost...Pumpkin's...Leaves...
Declan calls this guy "Pumpkin Head"

Looking on while dad scoops out the seeds...
Dumping out seeds...

I believe he's saying here..."EEeeewwww... Gross"

Trying to pick up the pumpkin...

Thinking about playing with pumpkin guts...

My little Monster while holding a pumpkin seed..
Waited til' the next day to carve the pumpkin so it was dry...

In "AWe.."

Do you think he's happy about Halloween and carving the Pumpkin ??Declan Putting his face right in the pumpkin's face... *if you can't tell..*



The Bundy's said...

Oh man! He is SO cute, and I love his costume.

Us Egberts said...

Good times....great it...keep bloging! You are a great mom and beautiful to boot...what a sweet little man;o)

Dezaree said...

He's such a goofball. Just like his mama. Love him....and love you too

Brooke Carroll said...

I love all of your pictures...they are great!!!

Mullins Family said...

He made a cute YODA.... even when he was hopped up on a sugar high ;)