Saturday, March 13, 2010

...The VERDICT IS....

A GIRL!!!!!
*Here's her profile. Not the clearest of pictures...but you get the point*
I honestly am still grasping it. I was ready to hear "BOY." I am just used to hearing that. Kris was for sure it was a boy...even before I was pregnant with this sneaky #2.

A few days before Kris called me; which he was still at work, so it was either something he wanted/needed...or what I suspected--> 'not-so-good-news'. Right when he called I just knew what he was going to say. He usually has ALL Friday's off. That's why I made the appointment for Friday so he could go and did not have to take off work. Well, one of the co-workers asked him if he could work Friday. Kris said, "No, my wife has a doctor's appointment. That's when we find out what it is." So, he said, "Oh. Okay. I understand." Then a few hours later the MAIN BOSS/OWNER called Kris and said, "We really need you to work Friday, because you're the only one that can do it...and we really need this job opportunity." So, I totally understand. Kris has this job to provide for us as a family. Plus the Owner/boss asked you to, so it must be really important. Kris said he was going to try his hardest to get done and back in time for it.

Well, yesterday came...he got stuck at work...and couldn't make it. :( I was sad, just that he was not there. I was not mad at all. It is just one of those things. I am very proud of how hard working Kris is...and the company he works for obviously needs him as well and knows he is a good worker. My mom also couldn't go, since my dad was in a bad wreck. He really needed to get his back checked and the only day they could go was yesterday...or else they'd have to wait for a whole month. So I totally understand that too. Dad needs to take care of himself more than this.

So, Bonnie(Kris's mom), Becky and Rachel (Kris's sisters)...Declan and Rachel's new baby boy Bridger(3 days old, such a cutie) went and headed to Evanston when Kris told us he couldn't make it. I was excited to see the baby. I was just ready to know. On the way over I said to Bonnie, "If it's a girl, Kris is not going to believe me."

This is Bridger Carroll Spikes
Born Tuesday, March 9th 2010
6 lbs. 13 oz. 21 inches long

We got to the office...and they took us back right away. Dr. Evans came in shortly. We started to look at the baby. Declan had a big grin on his face and kept pointing and saying, "Baby." While Dr. Evans was moving around on my stomach Declan got concerned and said, "Mom. Okay? Okay?" I said, "I'm okay. I'm fine. She's not hurting me." Dr. Evans laughed and said, "I'm not hurting your momma." It was cute how concerned he was for me. He's just a sweetheart.

Then she said, "Now, here's the area that we are interested in." She kept moving the thing around and I was watching her face. She was really focusing and trying to look for parts. Then Bonnie says, "I think I'm right again...

(She's been right with all grandbabies so far in our Mullins's family (4), except one that hasn't been born yet...due anytime now...hahaha; which is also a girl)

Dr. Evans said, "What do you think it is?" Bonnie said, "A girl." Dr. Evans said, "Yep. I'm pretty sure it's a girl. I'm just not seeing any boy parts at all." I immediately covered my face started to tear up...and I said, "You're kidding! Kris is not going to believe me." ahhaha!! Exactly what I said before!! Dr. Evans laughed and Bonnie and Becky were just smiling.

I trust Dr. Evans. She's done her fair share of these...and knows what to look for. I found out with Declan at 18 weeks, this one almost 22 weeks...and Declan was definitely a boy at 18 weeks...and I was even looking on this one and there is just no boy parts.

I called Kris and finally got a hold of him. He was still out in the middle of no where working...and I said, "So you still think it's a boy?" He said, "I know it's a boy. You don't need to tell me." I said, "Well.. you created a girl. How do you feel?" ahahah... He said, "I don't believe you. I knew you would lie to me at first. It's a boy." I said, "No. Really. It's a girl." He said, "Well, I'll have to hear it from the Doctor." ahhaha...I said, "I can arrange that." He was laughing of coarse, and joking, but I'm sure he was shocked. He said, "Well, her name has to be African." I said, "If you find a good one, sure." I told him how I knew he wouldn't believe me. I really wished he could have been there for that and just to hear him say, "Na-uh." To the doctor...and see his face. But this was fun too...

I called the rest of my siblings on both sides, my parents... and they were all very happy and surprised. Most of them did think boy...only a few girls. So it was fun to tell everyone and hear them be like "REALLY?".

So, the poll on my blog up on the top right hand side was RIGHT!! It was fun doing this and waiting to hear. Now comes the hard part of finding a name and AGREEING.

I am very excited. I have a good feeling about Dr. Evans. I know she'll take care of me and baby girl. VERY BLESSED. Declan is such a sweetie, and caring. I just know he'll take care of his sister!!!


Brooke Carroll said...

That is so awesome, I loved your story. Sorry your husband couldn't be there! I hope you guys are thrilled, little girls are so much fun, and are so cute and sweet! Congratulations again to you guys, we are very happy for you!!!

Mama Bear said...

Yeah for boys first then little girls! I think you should go with Kennadee (or however you would spell it) since isn't it one of the names you like? It would go well with Declan since isn't that Celtic too? Congrats!

Korey and Lindsey said...

Yahoo a little girl how exciting. She will be so much fun and Declan will be the best big brother.

KymandKalab said...

YAY! I am SOOOOOOO excited for you! I would have been super excited too if you were having another boy though. I am excited I was right though- doesn't happen very often. Ha ha. Good luck on agreeing on a name! That's been the hardest part for us- obviously. I am glad the ultrasound went well (even though Kris didn't get to go) and that both you and the baby are doing well. Yay!

Christian, Kerri, & The Boys said...

YAY! Thats awesome!! I am happy for you!

Unknown said...

yah! a girl! congrats!!! :)

Aaron and Megan said...

So exciting! I love little girls. Molly is my little dress up doll, my excuse to shop, and spend lots of money. Her and I are partners in crime! Congrats to you and your family!

Green River High School said...

I knew it :) That is really great that you will have a little princess. Seriously you guys got so lucky--- boy and girl right away! Most people don't get that fortunate to have one of each right away!!!

Kelly Fam said...

yeah for Pink!! You're in for a treat.

Case said...

ahahahhaha i'm laughing so hard at myself right now...I was reading your post and when you put that he said "Well, her name has to be African." I actually thought, no please tell me they will not name a little girl "African"!! wow, took me a minute but I got it!! we're super excited for you guys - congrats on having a girly!!

Wardles said...

Congratulations! I love having a girl. =)